Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pale Ale Update

Okay, so this didn't turn out extremely well, but it isn't a total waste, either. Two of my friends who are big pale ale fans said that it wasn't too bad; it's drinkable. It has a nice hoppy aroma, a nice pale ale taste up front, but it apparently has a sweet finish that is overpowering (too much malt, or not enough hops, or a combination of both). It has a little too much head, but that's something I can adjust (I'm still getting used to forced carbonation). My biggest complaint is that it is way too cloudy. There are definitely some things I need to experiment with. Next time, I think I will leave out the 6 oz of crushed 2-row and maybe add an extra half-ounce of Cascade hops somewhere in the boil. I would also transfer it over to the secondary for a least 3-4 days so as to let it clear up some more. I think it would have a clearer body and not be so sweet on the finish that way. Ultimately, it's not a bad beer. I could definitely drink it (if nothing else was around :) ). However, I think in my attempt to make a more balanced pale ale, I went a little too far in the other direction. If I try this again, I will try to go back a little in the direction of a traditional pale ale.

OG: 1.038
FG: 1.008
ABV: 4%

Until Next Time,

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hard Cider Update

I recently tried both the flat and sparkling cider. Both turned out very nicely. The sparkling cider is a little sweeter and has an extra little kick that the flat cider doesn't have. They are both very smooth and crisp. They are both on the dry side, which I like. A friend of mine called it "Sneaky Cider" because it packs quite a punch. I misplaced my hydrometer while I was making this so I have no clue what the ABV is on this batch, but if I had to guess, I would say it is high--over 6% probably (especially since the airlock bubbled constantly for about 12 days).  I like this and would experiment with it again, especially since it was so easy to make.

Until Next Time,